Wednesday, April 24, 2024

The Peace on The Horizon - 75 Years after The World War 2 in the Middle East (146)


(Japanese Version)

(Arabic Version)




Chapter 6: Genealogy of Islamic terrorism (1)


146 The roots of modern Islamic terrorism (1/4)

According to Oxford English Dictionary, "terrorism" means " the unlawful use of violence and intimidation, especially against civilians, in the pursuit of political aims." Terrorism takes place in three fields: conflict between ethnicity, religion and political field. Ethnic conflict is a problem of blood, in modern terms, DNA. And the political terrorism is the problem of ideology. Religious terrorism is the problem of emotion. In other words, they are respectively based on DNA, brain and heart of individuals.


The independence movement of Kurd in the Middle East was an ethnic terrorism. Ethnic terrorism is very common throughout the world. It has to take place in the future because mankind cannot change his ethnicity. However, after the World War II, the international community based on the nation states has blocked ethnic conflicts as much as possible.


On the other hand, terrorism by political ideology had taken place frequently in various places of the world during the Cold War. Che Guevara (Ernesto Guevara) who was born in Argentina and Fidel Castro and his brother Raul Castro in Cuba were terrorists of socialist ideology against Cuban dictatorship. The terrorism based on political ideology could across the manmade border easily. Therefore, different from the ethnic or religious terrorism, ideological terrorism has the character to spread all over the world. Ideological terrorism has almost diminished after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1990 when liberalism and capitalism kicked socialism and communism off. It was just the realization of "The End of History and the Last Man" written by Prof. Francis Fukuyama.


(To be continued ----)



Areha Kazuya

(From an ordinary citizen in the cloud)

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