Sunday, October 8, 2023

The Peace on The Horizon - 75 Years after The World War 2 in the Middle East (62)


(Japanese Version)

(Arabic Version)




Chapter 2 Global wave – The end of colonial era and the emerging two super powers (24)


062 Guerilla combatant or refugee? Wandering Palestine (3/4)

PLO did not quit guerrilla attack against Israel after relocating to Beirut. Palestinian refugees were overflowed by Israeli fierce counterattacks. Huge Palestinian refugee camps appeared in southern Lebanon. The impatient Palestinian extremists invited foreign militant organizations that were in tune with their movements. PLO developed terrorist activities against Jews abroad and on the other hand foreign terrorist attacked Jews inside Israel.


As a result, two major incidents occurred in 1972. At the Tel Aviv International airport, the Japanese Red Army opened fire of automatic rifles and killed 26 people in May 1972. Japanese terrorists indiscriminately attacked ordinary citizens and one terrorist committed suicide with grenades. It was the unbelievable incident in the Muslim world. Muslim terrorist had never committed suicide because Monotheism such as Islam, Christianity or Judaism did not allow suicide. Human life is left to the hand of God (or Allah), and it is not allowed to die on his own. However, the Japanese who came from the Orient thought that it was the high-faith ideal to die for his belief. Japanese suicide bomber might think in his mind about famous author Yukio Mishima who committed Hara-kiri suicide two years ago. It was a shocking incident in Muslim world. It was the forerunner of suicide bombings. Suicide bombings occurred frequently in decades later.


In three months, Palestinian extremist group called "Black September" killed nine Israeli athletes in Munich during the Olympic Games in August 1972. PLO was chased by Israel. In addition, civil war in Lebanon made the situation complicate and worse. PLO was kicked out from Beirut and moved to Tunisia in 1982.


(To be continued ----)



Areha Kazuya

(From an ordinary citizen in the cloud)

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