Sunday, October 23, 2022

East of Nakba (42)


(Japanese Version)

(Arabic Version)

October, 2022

Part II. Ethnic cleanser


Chapter 42 At the party in Embassy (3)


One day he was surrounded by the wives of American army officers at a party. He was strongly requested to tell his own experience. For women, not only the content of the story but also the looks of the speaker were important. Tan face with the full vigor of manhood. Dignified figure in military uniform. Quiet man with hidden passion. The masculinity that oozed from his whole body fascinated the ladies. They looked at him with longing eyes, as if they had met a famous Hollywood star.


Surrounded by only women staring with passionate eyes, he became a little bit nervous due to the unusual atmosphere. He was too naïve to tell the story as usual. He sometimes got stuck. A short silence dominated over. His shy and tough nature appeared on his face. Ladies never miss a moment. They believed that he was just as rumored to be. They stared at him more and more intently.


As a matter of fact, ladies were already bored to their husbands who talked about their bravery about the Second World War in 1940s or the Korean War of several years ago. These hero stories were worse than flat champagne. Nevertheless, their husbands kept repeating the same stories at the parties, and made the women sick and tired.


It was the height of the Cold War. In 1960, the Cuban Missile Crisis broke out in the Gulf of Mexico within easy reach of the United States. The tensions spread around the world. A few years later, the Vietnam War broke out. At first it was not considered a problem of the United States. Guerrilla activities in poor countries in Southeast Asia were nothing to do with the United States. Nobody thought that the war would leave a deep scar in the hearts of Americans in the future. The United States was fully committed to the Cold War confrontation with the U.S.S.R.


Unlike a hot war where shells flew on the battlefield, there was no turn for military personnel in the Cold War. The Cold War was a war of conspiracies driven by spies.


But the conspiracy war was gradually shadowed and penetrated into the military organ. There, only smart and resourceful general officers got promoted. It looked like that the strategic planning team at the head office had taken over the sales team on the front line in private company. Since there was no clear target such as sales or profit in a private company. It was not the Pentagon but the State Department, which was in charge of diplomacy, that confronted with the archrival U.S.S.R.





Areha Kazuya

(From an ordinary citizen in the cloud)


To previous chapters:


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