Tuesday, September 26, 2023

The Peace on The Horizon - 75 Years after The World War 2 in the Middle East (57)


(Japanese Version)

(Arabic Version)




Chapter 2 Global wave – The end of colonial era and the emerging two super powers (19)


057 Six Day War and the death of Nasser (1/3)

The Palestine Liberation Organization (PLO) which was established in 1964 started campaign to recapture their homeland from Israel. Its headquarter was placed in Amman, Jordan.


There were many political movements in the Middle East at that time. The United Arab Republic by Egypt and Syria was established in 1958, but their unity had broken in1961. Two monarchies in Iraq and Jordan were agreed to form the Arab Federation in 1958, but the Iraq Revolution took place in the same year. There was a civil war in Yemen in 1962. Dictatorial leaders in Egypt, Syria and Iraq agitated their citizens saying "Drive Israel into the Mediterranean Sea!". They made the political propaganda to conceal their own misconduct or to justify their dictatorship. In any era and region, dictators used hate speech to turn away the eyes of the public.


Meanwhile, Israel also made a fierce campaign against the crisis of nation. Prime Minister Levi Eshkol reinstated retired officer Moshe Dayan with eye-patch as the defense minister. Dayan’s strategy was that the best way to win the war was the first strike. He collected information about the neighboring Arab countries without prejudice. Mossad, the world top level intelligence worked for him. He proved the timing of the sneak attack.


(To be continued ----)



Areha Kazuya

(From an ordinary citizen in the cloud)

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