Tuesday, July 18, 2023

The Peace on The Horizon - 75 Years after The World War 2 in the Middle East (27)

(Japanese Version)

(Arabic Version)




Chapter 1. Wave of nationalism and socialism (1945-1956) (11)


027. Israel independence(2): Who is a Jew ? (3/3)

Judging from Jewish history shown above, it is extremely difficult to answer the question "Who is a Jew?”.


First, Jews cannot be described as independent ethnic group in biological meaning. It is true that their origin was Semites. But the current Jews who have survived Diaspora for nearly 2,000 years do not share the same DNA.


Second, is it possible to define the Jews in religion called Judaism? The answer is ‘No’. Those who converted from Judaism to Christianity also refer to themselves as Jews. Most Jews in the United States are Christians. Jews are ambiguous in terms of religion.


Eventually, Jews are the people whom other people say that he is a Jew or who declares himself as a Jew. This is a synonym repetition and is not definition of Judaism.


Until the early modern era the Europeans tried to look down Jews and confine them in the ghetto. The Jews who didn’t want to live as Christian but as Judaism lived quietly in a corner of society concealing of Jews.


However, when Jewish bankers like Lord Rothschild got the ability to play an outstanding role in warfare, or one genius in natural science such as Albert Einstein appeared in the history, Jews became eager to share identity of themselves. All those who self-termed Jews was regarded as Jews. After the Holocaust during World War II, all of Jews were assured safety and prosperity. They, therefore, declared themselves as Jews in public. In that sense, among the Jews immigrating to Israel from Russia after the collapse of the Soviet Union, it might be doubtful that some of them are nothing to do with the genuine Jews.


Israel was established by genuine and non-genuine Jews who self-proclaimed as Jews. Israel is still growing and expanding.


(To be continued ----)



Areha Kazuya

(From an ordinary citizen in the cloud) 

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