Thursday, July 13, 2023

The Peace on The Horizon - 75 Years after The World War 2 in the Middle East (25)


(Japanese Version)

(Arabic Version)




Chapter 1. Wave of nationalism and socialism (1945-1956) (9)


025. Israel independence(2): Who is a Jew ? (1/3)

No one will object to define that Israel is a Jewish country. But it is not easy to define that who is a Jew. According to the Old Testament, the roots of the Jewish was Abraham's clan who settled in Canaan (Promised Land) of Palestine around the 20th century BC. They belong ethnically to the Sem family same as Arab peoples. The Jews would not like to be equated with Arabs, but they are the same strain in terms of biology or folklore.


The ancient Israelis believed in monotheistic Judaism, and lived together honoring religious leaders as prophets. Prophet Moses came back with his clan to Canaan in the 13th century BC from Egypt where they had been detained. In the 10th century BC, King David and his son Solomon built a temple in Jerusalem and prospered as the kingdom of Israel, and then the kingdom of Judah.


However, after the 6th century BC the kingdom was often invaded by the neighboring Babylonian Empire. The Kingdom of Judah was conquered, and the Jews were forcibly relocated from Jerusalem to Babylonia (Babylon captivity). Later, they were released by Cyrus II, the founder of Achaemehid Empire of Persia who destroyed Neo-Babylonian Empire. Jews returned to Jerusalem and reconstructed the temple of Jerusalem under the control of the Egyptian dynasty. Then Kingdom of Judah had been under the reign of the Roman Empire from the BC to the AD.




(To be continued ----)




Areha Kazuya

(From an ordinary citizen in the cloud)

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