Sunday, April 9, 2023


(Japanese Version)

(Arabic Version)

 April 2023

East of Nakba (82)


Epilogue (1)


Chapter 82 Brother of Abraham


Dr. Girgo was convinced that the Chimera would only infect Palestinians. But he overlooked that the Chimera was the worst creature in the universe. The Chimera mutated further and became contagious from Arabs to Jews.


How did it spread from Arabs to Jews?


The answer was easy. Both Arabs and Jews had same genealogy with Abraham as their ancestor. Their DNA structures were extremely similar. Arabs and Jews were ‘Brothers of Abraham’. The chimera, therefore, mutated and infected from Arabs to Jews.

Strangely enough, however, some Jews in Israel did not become infected. They were immigrants from Eastern Europe like the 'Mafia' family. They emigrated at the call of the Israeli government when the U.S.S.R. collapsed.


The Israeli government offered applicants one condition provided that their mother or their ancestors were Jewish. However, the review of applications was not so rigorous. The immigration was easily approved as long as there was a certificate proving their origin. As a result, some of those who wished to emigrate obtained certificates with money.


They were of Mongolian Asian ancestry and genetically non-Jewish. They didn’t be infected with Chimeras. As the result, non-Jewish Mizrachim like Mafia might become the majority of Israel in the future.


However, as time passed, it was supposed that the Chimera infected not only to Palestinians and Jews but also to all kind of human beings on the earth. Human beings were on the verge of self-destruction in the pandemic.


The extinction of human beings was a big problem for the Chimera itself. Chimera could survive as long as the host alive. If the human beings became extinct, they were not able to alive.


The creator didn't want the extinction of human beings, too. He disgusted about human beings destroying the natural environment and the ecosystem. But at the same time, he intended to entrust human beings with the task of protecting the earth with intelligence and ethics that other creatures didn’t possess.


For that reason, the Creator healed the damaged genes of Chimera that returned from the earth and created a variant of the galaxy, Neo Galaxy. Then he added a new role to Neo Galaxy.





Areha Kazuya

(From an ordinary citizen in the cloud)


To previous chapters:


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