Saturday, November 26, 2022

East of Nakba (49)

(Japanese Version)

(Arabic Version)

November, 2022

Part II. Ethnic cleanser


Chapter 49 Elder daughter, Anat (1)


Shalom hasn’t been showing up lately. Is she doing well?”


The retired general turned from the picture book and asked to his elder daughter Anat. Shy-Rock was reading the picture book for his beloved granddaughter Root on his lap. When he had been active, he was scared for his fearless face and frightened behavior. Even nowadays the general was scared by government VIPs, military officers in Israel. But now with his granddaughter, he was an ordinary good old man who could be found anywhere in the world.


"Shalom is busy with hospital work. She seems to like looking over the children ward and arguing with male doctors about the new virus or whatever."


Anat answered to father and turned around her chair. Then, she looked down at his father's schedule on computer screen and devoted herself to the question of how to take care of today's guests. Even after her father retired from air force general, there were many guests. It was her duty to coordinate his appointments. Since she was young, her father's guests visited one after another. Therefore, she remembered not only their faces but also their detailed habits in her memories. She was the perfect secretary for her father.


Shy-Rock still kept a hidden power within the military. The prime minister visited him from time to time to ask for his opinion. Besides that, there were shady people who visited to have secret talks expecting his influence.


After guests left, the general closed the door, shut his family out and called someone overseas. Anat knew that monthly phone bill revealed international dialing codes like Washington and London. He seemed to be communicating with other countries, too. It was possible for her to clarify the country of the other party by checking the area code. But it was enough for Anat to say that his father got in touch with any top secrets of the country. She had no intention of inquiring. Her father was the only one person in the world that she could respect.




Areha Kazuya

(From an ordinary citizen in the cloud)


To previous chapters:



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(SF novel) East of Nakba (55)

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