Tuesday, November 22, 2022

East of Nakba (48)


(Japanese Version)

(Arabic Version)

November, 2022

Part II. Ethnic cleanser


Chapter 48 Inner enemy of Jewish state (4)


Why is the growth rate of Arab population so high? Statistics showed that Arabs was prolific. Arab women were forced to be pregnant one after another by Arab men who had little knowledge of contraception. The poorer, the more children. In the past, when they were poor, most children died before becoming adults due to malnutrition and insanitation.


But Israel, a modern state, had to be a humanitarian state. Poor Arab families received bare minimum food and medical care. Thus, their children survived and became adulthood. Even in poverty, infants no longer died. Arab population had increased gradually. It cast darkness on the future of the Jewish state.


Even Jewish purist Shy-Rock could not do anything about this matter. If the enemy faced Jews with a weapon, they could counter-attacked them with superior weapons. It was permissible as an act of war or counter-terrorism. In particular, the United States backed Israel. The United Nations could not condemn unanimously the excessive self-defensive behavior of Israel.


It was impossible that the Israeli government restricted the reproductive activities of Arabs. Moreover, the Palestinian child had to be given food and medical care to help them grow up safely.

The Israel Institute of Population Studies estimated that if current trends continued, the number of Arabs in Israel would surpass that of Jews by 2050. The preface of its report implied that the government had to take some countermeasures if they didn’t like the forecast figure. This was the reason why the government strongly opposed the repatriation of Palestinian refugees.


International public opinion was sympathetic to the return of Palestinian refugees to their original places. It was one of the peace conditions between Israel and Palestine. But once the repatriation took place, the Jews had to accept disadvantages when parliament election was held. The result of election would be nightmare for the Jews.


What other measures could Jews take? No one had a clear answer. Yes, there was one answer.  But nobody could say it verbally.





Areha Kazuya

(From an ordinary citizen in the cloud)


To previous chapters: http://ocininitiative.maeda1.jp/OcinNovelEnglish.html


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