Monday, February 28, 2022

East of Nakba (7)

 (Japanese Version)

(Arabic Version)

March, 2022

Part I. Israel bombs a nuclear plant in Iran


Chapter 7 Aerial bombing against Natanz nuclear plant (1)

Three fighters passed north of Hafar al-Batten air base in Saudi Arabia, and then Iraqi airspace. They turned their noses to northeast. The wetlands of the Shuttle Arab River were seen below. They were now in Iranian territory. The pilots became nervous. The reddish-brown Zagros Mountains stood in front of them. Natanz was just beyond the mountains. Within tens of kilometers south of Natanz, there was Isfahan where an Iranian Air Force base was located. It was highly possible that three little birds were scrambled by Iranian fighters.


The pilots were ready for battle. Looking at the minaret of the mosque in Isfahan, three birds began to descend sharply from an altitude of 20,000 meters and transformed into three arrows that fell head first from the sky. This was the second stage of the "high-low-high" operation, namely to lower the altitude at one burst, to bomb the target, and then immediately to return to the super-high altitude.


The desert stretched as far as the eye could see. Only the roads wove geometric patterns. However, it was unnecessary that the pilot checked the real topography. The pre-programmed target was projected on the LCD screen and the nose of jet was heading straight toward the target. The pilots only checked the LCD screen. It was enough that they grabbed the control stick with left hand and touched softly the missile launch button with the thumb of right hand.


"Mafia" in the right wing descended by increasing the speed and left from others. He was the first attacker. "Elite" followed "Mafia". “Abdullah” was the last. The formation of the three aircraft has changed from the triangle to the straight line.




Areha Kazuya

شرق النكبة (7)


(English Version)

(Japanese Version)


(Translated from English version to Arabic by Google Translate)


March, 2022


الجزء الأول. إسرائيل تقصف محطة نووية في إيران


الفصل السابع - القصف الجوي على محطة نطنز النووية (1)


مرت ثلاث مقاتلات شمال قاعدة حفر البطين الجوية في السعودية ، ثم الأجواء العراقية. حولوا أنوفهم إلى الشمال الشرقي. شوهدت الأراضي الرطبة لنهر المكوك العربي أدناه. هم الآن في الأراضي الإيرانية. أصبح الطيارون متوترين. وقفت أمامهم جبال زاغروس ذات اللون البني المحمر. كان ناتانز وراء الجبال. على بعد عشرات الكيلومترات جنوب ناتانز ، كانت هناك أصفهان حيث توجد قاعدة جوية إيرانية. كان من المحتمل جدًا أن تكون ثلاثة طيور صغيرة قد جُهِزَت على يد المقاتلين الإيرانيين


كان الطيارون جاهزين للمعركة. عند النظر إلى مئذنة المسجد في أصفهان ، بدأت ثلاثة طيور تهبط بحدة من ارتفاع 20 ألف متر وتحولت إلى ثلاثة سهام سقطت رأسها أولاً من السماء. كانت هذه هي المرحلة الثانية من عملية "عالية - منخفضة - عالية" ، وهي تخفيض الارتفاع في دفعة واحدة ، لقصف الهدف ، ثم العودة فورًا إلى الارتفاع الفائق


امتدت الصحراء على مد البصر. فقط الطرق نسجت أنماطًا هندسية. ومع ذلك ، لم يكن من الضروري أن يقوم الطيار بفحص التضاريس الحقيقية. تم عرض الهدف المبرمج مسبقًا على شاشة LCD وكان مقدمة الطائرة تتجه مباشرة نحو الهدف. قام الطيارون بفحص شاشة LCD فقط. كان يكفي أنهم أمسكوا بعصا التحكم بيدهم اليسرى ولمسوا زر إطلاق الصاروخ برفق بإبهام اليد اليمنى.


"المافيا" في جناحها الأيمن نزلت بزيادة سرعتها وتركت من الآخرين. كان المهاجم الأول. "النخبة" تبعت "المافيا". كان "عبد الله" الأخير. تغير تشكيل الطائرات الثلاث من المثلث إلى الخط المستقيم




By Areha Kazuya



Tuesday, February 22, 2022

East of Nakba (6)

(Japanese Version)

(Arabic Version)

Feb, 2022

Part I. Israel bombs a nuclear plant in Iran


Chapter 6 Three little birds (3)

"Abdullah," the third man of three pilots, is a son of a locally-born Bedouin which was nomad of Arab. The family had been living in the Palestine since the Ottoman Empire era. After World War I, the Palestine was reigned under British trusteeship. Major part of the Palestine territory was assigned to Jews according to the Balfour Declaration, and the West Bank and Gaza Strip were assigned to the Arabs. But Israel occupied two regions after the Six-Day War in 1967 resulting in a large number of Palestinian Arab refugees. Abdullah’s family stayed in the same place where was in Israeli territory. They were indigenous inhabitants. They were called Mizurafim together with the Arabs migrated from other Islamic countries like Ethiopia.


Mizurafim was treated as a second-class citizen, and was actually looked down than Russian Jews.  Their status became worse after Islamic extremist carried out suicide bombings in Israel. Ashkenaze warried about Mizurafim who could be identified as Arab. Some of the young colleague of Abdullah desperately threw themselves into extremism organizations. But Abdullah decdided to live as an Israeli citizen. He tried to be a good citizen. It was to join the army and defend the country. He dedicated himself to Israel not to Arab nor religion.


Abdullah is the most common Arab name, and means servant of Allah. He didn’t like his nickname "Abdullah" because it sounded too Islamic favor. But he was patient. He believed that someday he himself would not care about such nickname.


Three pilots fixed their eyes on the rising sun on the horizon and the dawn of desert. They meditated each other. But the time for meditation was too short to perform their duty. They are now flying on Saudi Arabian airspace. The Royal Saudi Air Force had the latest ground radar system and airborne warning and control system, AWACS. They would immediately find three aircrafts passing over their airspace. Saudi Arabian jet fighters had to scramble and intercept Israeli fighters. Therefore, pilots were requested at most effort for vigilance.


However, at the morning-meeting of the flight plan in the base camp, the senior officer told them that there would be no possibility of interception by the Royal Saudi Air Force. They were informed that a top government official secretly notified the United States details of the airstrike plan few days ago. Then, the US informed Saudi Arabia not to intercept Israeli jets. It was agreed upon between the United States and Saudi Arabia to allow the passage of Israeli fighters. The pilots were instructed to make a detour when they reached near the Hafar al-Batten Air Force Base in Saudi Arabia. They were requested to change the flight course deep inside Iraqi territory and to fly south of Samawah.  The airspace in Iraq was wholly controlled by the US air force. There was no fear that Israeli fighters would be intercepted.


Three jet fighters did not face scramble from the Hafar al-Batten air base. It was confirmed by US military reconnaissance satellites. Three pilots were relieved a little bit and continued their flight at high altitude toward their target, Natanz in Iran. They were confident that Saudi Arabia could not resist the request of the United States. It was the unwavering conviction of the Israeli army that Israel and the United States had a strong relation with trust and Saudi Arabia had no veto.


At this moment, there was a hectic movement inside the Hafar al-Batten air base.





Areha Kazuya

شرق النكبة (6)

(English Version)

(Japanese Version)


(Translated from English version to Arabic by Google Translate)


February, 2022


الجزء الأول. إسرائيل تقصف محطة نووية في إيران


الفصل 6 ثلاثة طيور صغيرة (3)


"عبد الله" ، الرجل الثالث من بين ثلاثة طيارين ، هو نجل بدوي مولود محلياً كان من العرب الرحل. كانت الأسرة تعيش في فلسطين منذ عهد الإمبراطورية العثمانية. بعد الحرب العالمية الأولى ، حكمت فلسطين تحت الوصاية البريطانية. تم تخصيص جزء كبير من أراضي فلسطين لليهود وفقًا لوعد بلفور ، وتم تخصيص الضفة الغربية وقطاع غزة للعرب. لكن إسرائيل احتلت منطقتين بعد حرب الأيام الستة عام 1967 مما أدى إلى وجود عدد كبير من اللاجئين العرب الفلسطينيين. أقامت عائلة عبد الله في نفس المكان الذي كانت فيه في الأراضي الإسرائيلية. كانوا من السكان الأصليين. كانوا يطلق عليهم اسم Mizurafim مع العرب الذين هاجروا من دول إسلامية أخرى مثل إثيوبيا


تم التعامل مع ميزرافيم كمواطن من الدرجة الثانية ، وكان ينظر إليه في الواقع باحتقار من اليهود الروس. وأصبح وضعهم أسوأ بعد أن نفذ متطرف إسلامي تفجيرات انتحارية في إسرائيل. حذر اشكناز من ميزرافيم الذين يمكن تعريفهم على أنهم عرب. ألقى بعض زملاء عبد الله الشباب بأنفسهم بيأس في المنظمات المتطرفة. لكن عبد الله قرر العيش كمواطن إسرائيلي. حاول أن يكون مواطنًا صالحًا. كان ذلك للانضمام إلى الجيش والدفاع عن الوطن. كرس نفسه لإسرائيل لا للعرب ولا للدين


عبد الله هو الاسم العربي الأكثر شيوعًا ، ويعني عبد الله. لم يعجبه لقبه "عبد الله" لأنه بدا صالحًا إسلاميًا أكثر من اللازم. لكنه كان صبورا. كان يعتقد أنه في يوم من الأيام لن يهتم هو نفسه بهذا اللقب


وضع ثلاثة طيارين أعينهم على شروق الشمس في الأفق وفجر الصحراء. كانوا يتأملون بعضهم البعض. لكن وقت التأمل كان أقصر من أن يؤدوا واجبهم. وهم الآن يحلقون في الأجواء السعودية. تمتلك القوات الجوية الملكية السعودية أحدث نظام رادار أرضي ونظام إنذار وتحكم محمول جواً ، أواكس. وجدوا على الفور ثلاث طائرات تمر فوق مجالهم الجوي. كان على المقاتلات النفاثة السعودية التدافع واعتراض المقاتلات الإسرائيلية. لذلك ، طُلب من الطيارين في أقصى جهد ممكن توخي اليقظة


ومع ذلك ، في الاجتماع الصباحي لخطة الطيران في معسكر القاعدة ، أخبرهم الضابط الكبير أنه لن يكون هناك احتمال لاعتراض القوات الجوية الملكية السعودية. أُبلغوا أن مسؤولاً حكومياً رفيعاً أخطر الولايات المتحدة سراً بتفاصيل خطة الغارة الجوية قبل أيام قليلة. بعد ذلك ، أبلغت الولايات المتحدة المملكة العربية السعودية بعدم اعتراض الطائرات الإسرائيلية. تم الاتفاق بين الولايات المتحدة والسعودية على السماح بمرور المقاتلات الإسرائيلية. صدرت تعليمات للطيارين بالالتفاف عندما وصلوا بالقرب من قاعدة حفر البطين الجوية في المملكة العربية السعودية. وطُلب منهم تغيير مسار الرحلة في عمق الأراضي العراقية والتحليق جنوب السماوة. كان المجال الجوي في العراق يخضع بالكامل لسيطرة القوات الجوية الأمريكية. لم يكن هناك خوف من اعتراض مقاتلين إسرائيليين

لم تواجه ثلاث طائرات مقاتلة تدافعًا من قاعدة حفر البطين الجوية. وأكد ذلك أقمار الاستطلاع العسكرية الأمريكية. تم إراحة ثلاثة طيارين قليلاً واستمروا في تحليقهم على علو شاهق باتجاه هدفهم ، نطنز في إيران. كانوا واثقين من أن المملكة العربية السعودية لا تستطيع مقاومة طلب الولايات المتحدة. كانت القناعة الراسخة للجيش الإسرائيلي أن إسرائيل والولايات المتحدة تربطهما علاقة قوية بالثقة وأن المملكة العربية السعودية ليس لديها حق النقض


في هذه اللحظة ، كانت هناك حركة محمومة داخل قاعدة حفر البطين الجوية




By Areha Kazuya



Wednesday, February 16, 2022

(Japanese Version)

(Arabic Version)

Feb, 2022


UAE in a swamp due to Houthis’ attack


1. UAE wavers by drone attack

On January 17, 2022, two explosions took place in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). One was at an airport and the other was at an oil depot of the State Oil Company (ADNOC). Three people were dead and six citizens were injured. The attack was carried out by ballistic missiles and drones[1]. The Yemeni rebel Houthis issued a statement of crime.


In early January, an UAE-registered cargo ship heading for Jazan Port in Saudi Arabia from Socotra Island off the coast of Yemen was hijacked by the Houthis in the Red Sea. Since 2015, coalition forces including Saudi Arabia and the UAE bombed the Houthis to support government forces led by President Hadi in the Yemeni Civil War. The Houthis counter-attacked the southern border of Saudi Arabia with missiles and drones. But the attack to airport and oil depot was the first one targeted at premises in the UAE’s territory.


In Abu Dhabi, the US and French Air Forces are stationed at Al Dhafra Air Base and the country is one of the world's leading oil producers. Therefore, the incident caused the shock internationally. The UAE deployed F16 fighter jets to bomb missile launch pads in Yemen[2]. In addition, the UAE has filed a lawsuit with the UN Security Council[3]. Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi, the de facto leader of the UAE, quickly phoned with US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin[4]. The UAE wavered very much.


2. Involvement of UAE in Yemeni civil war

In Yemen, President Saleh (then) was purged by the Arab Spring in 2011. In 2015, the Houthi tribe who ruled the northern part of the country confronted with the central government of President Hadi in the capital Sana'a. The civil war was widened into a full-scale. The inferior government abandoned the capital Sana'a and withdrew to Aden. When the Houthi struck Aden, the president and ministers exiled to Saudi Arabia. Then, Saudi Arabia embarked on forming a coalition forces with several Sunni Arab countries including the UAE.


Government forces were weak in ground combat compared with the Houthis. Central government decided to cooperate with the Southern Independents militia (Southern Transitional Council) though they claimed the independence from central government. Two parties were incompatible each other but they formed on alliance. The ground forces consisting of the Southern Independents covered on the front line in the civil war.


Saudi-led coalition forces supported the allied ground forces by air-strike. While Iran supplied the Houthis weapons and ammunition. The Yemeni Civil War became a proxy war between Saudi Arabia and Iran.


The UAE supported the Southern Independents. The UAE supplied them weapon and ammunition. UAE carried out air-strike, too. F-16s took off from an air force base on Socotra Island, which was leased from Yemen to the UAE. However, the UAE withdrew their troops in 2019[5] because the internal conflict between central government and Southern Transitional Council became fierce. Now, the UAE provides military support to local troops called Giant Brigade. As referred to the above, the UAE-registered cargo ship was hijacked in January. It was heading from Socotra Island to Jazan port in Saudi Arabia. The UAE insisted that the cargo was humanitarian aid only. But their claim was skeptical. It was highly possible that they loaded with weapons.


3. Houthis attacks the coalition members

Although the Houthi militia was dominant in the ground battle, they could not match the air strikes by the coalition forces. The situation has changed recently so that government forces with the Giant Brigade were going to recapture the capital Sana'a[6]. Then, the Houthis deployed the operations to directly attack the coalition foreign members. They attacked the eastern oil fields in Saudi Arabia, which were dispensable for the country[7]. They bombed the cities of Abha and Zizan in southwestern Saudi Arabia, too. Houthis attacked with ballistic missiles or drones. The Saudi army intercepted with the US-made Patriot missile. Army spokesman of Saudi Arabia said that they had received more than 400 ballistic missiles and 850 drones from the Houthis over the past five years, resulting the death of 59 civilians[8]. Air raids by the Houthis are a normal thing for Saudi citizens nowadays.

 The Houthis have now focused on the UAE as a new target. The improved drone plays a important role in the civil war. Their latest drone Samad-3 is able to have a range of 1,500 KM with 18 kg of explosives. It can accurately capture the preset targets by GPS[9]. Their drones are possible to directly attack oil depot or airport in Abu Dhabi from Yemen.


To compete the Houthis, the UAE introduced US-made Terminal High Altitude Area Defense (THAAD) missile system to intercept Houthi’s ballistic missiles[10]. However, THAAD system is to intercept missiles flying at high speed from high altitude. The system is not suitable for intercepting low-altitude and low-speed drones. The cost of Samad-3 Drone is estimated less than one hundredth of THAAD system.


4. What will be the UAE’s strategy?

The UAE has a good reputation as a terrorism-free country in the Middle East. This is why Dubai has become a regional hub and attracts people and goods from all over the world. According to the Global Peace Index, the UAE is ranked 41st in the world. It is overwhelmingly superior to Saudi Arabia (128th in the world).


The bombing incident has surprised not only UAE itself but also the world. Crown Prince of Abu Dhabi has had telephone talks with the US Secretary of Defense. However, the Biden administration looks like to emphasize the relation with Qatar than that of the UAE. The US is now more serious in the crisis of Afghanistan and the LNG stable supply caused by NATO-Russia dispute. It was shown in the fact that the Qatari emir was invited to the White House in January 31st[11].


Crown Prince Mohammed bin Zayed (commonly known as MBZ) of Abu Dhabi, who holds the real power of the UAE, is presumed to take a tough line about foreign policy. It was shown in his diplomacy that UAE has sent troops to Libya and has taken the initiative related to the issue of Qatari sanction. Therefore, he is unlikely to compromise with the Houthis to stop the attack on UAE. UAE will continue to support the Yemeni government forces with ample financial aid. UAE will also enhance its ability to intercept Houthi’s missile and drone.


It looks like that Israel is attractive ally of the UAE. The UAE established diplomatic relations with Israel by the Abraham agreement two years ago. Israeli president has made an official visit to the UAE very recently. Just then, Abu Dhabi was attacked by missiles and drones of the Houthi[12]. Defense issues had to be discussed between crown prince and Israeli president. Israel has a mobile all-weather air defense system, so-called Iron Dome. It is very effective to protect Israel from attacks by missiles and rocket artillery of Palestine or Syria. Israel is also a high-tech advanced country, and the world's number one in the development of high-performance drones.  Iron Dome and high-performance drones are inseparable for Israeli  which considers that first strike would be the best tactics for its security. The UAE would like to introduce Israeli cutting-edge arms. Israel is cautious about exporting Iron Dome, but might export drones to UAE to get ample petrodollars.


By Areha Kazuya


[1] Blasts near Abu Dhabi airport, oil facility kill 3, Houthis claim drone attack

2022/1/17 Daily Sabah

[2] UAE confirm missile launcher site in Yemen destroyed after second attack on Abu Dhabi

2022/1/24 Arab News

[3] UAE calls for UN Security Council session over Houthi attack on Abu Dhabi

2022/1/18 Arab News

[4] Abu Dhabi crown prince, US defense secretary discuss boosting military cooperation after Houthi attack

2022/1/20 Arab News

[5] UAE troops return from Aden, handover to Saudi and Yemeni forces

2019/10/30 Arab News

[6] Coalition in Yemen begins military operations in Sanaa

2022/1/25 Arab News

[7] Saudi Arabia oil stations hit in terror drone attacks

2019/5/14 Arab News

[8] Saudis near Yemen border learn to live with Houthi fire

2022/1/29 Jordan Times

[9] Yemen Houthi rebels, Saudi-led coalition in high stakes drone feud

2022/1/27 Jordan Times

[10] UAE, US intercept Houthi missile attack targeting Abu Dhabi

2022/1/24 Ahram Online

[11] Biden tells emir he will make Qatar major non-NATO ally

2022/1/31 Arab News

[12] UAE foils new Houthi ballistic missile attack

2022/1/31 Arab News

(SF novel) East of Nakba (55)

  (Japanese Version)   Part I. Israel bombs a nuclear plant in Iran (52)   Chapter 19 Wandering three little birds (1) In case of ‘E...