Thursday, September 30, 2021

Latest News in the Middle East (Oct 1, 2021)

Putin and Erdogan focus on curbing Syria violence

Israel’s chief envoy Yair Lapid in Bahrain for first official visit

Egypt's El-Sisi and US security adviser discuss Libya, Gaza in Cairo

Saudi crown prince, US national security adviser discussed Yemen peace plan

Houthis reject calls for truce, intensify attacks on Marib

Tunisia president names Najla Bouden as country’s first female PM

Cairo airport receives first Libyan flight after 7-year hiatus

Expo 2020 Dubai: Spectacular opening ceremony presents a vision of hope to the world

Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Latest News in the Middle East (Sept 29, 2021)

Battle for 'future of Yemen' as rebels close on key city


Yemen PM returns to Aden amid protests, plunging currency

Biden aide to meet Saudi crown prince on Yemen: US officials

Jordan-Syria ministerial meeting calls for boosting economic ties

Jordan’s state carrier to resume flights to Syria for first time in decade

Iran rejects US demand for UN inspectors’ access to nuclear site

Monday, September 27, 2021

Qatar’s triangle diplomacy with Turkey and Taliban (Afghanistan)


(Japanese Version)

(Arabic Version)

Sep., 2021


In Afghanistan, the United States withdrew and the Islamic fundamentalist organization Taliban grabbed power. The United States decided to withdraw in March 2020 by the Trump administration[1]. The Taliban opened an office in Doha, the capital of Qatar, in 2013[2]. The United States negotiated with Taliban through its office. The Trump administration planned that the US would withdrew peacefully by the end of 2021 when the Taliban and the current government would form a transitional administration. President Biden announced that the withdrawal deadline would be advanced by the end of August, 2021. It was just few days before the 20th anniversary of 9/11.


However, the Taliban defeated the government troops overwhelmingly earlier than expected. They invaded the capital city of Kabul before the US military withdrew safely. As Afghan government troops collapsed, the United States had to secure the Kabul International Airport by itself to carry out emergency evacuation. Major Western countries such as Britain and Germany also sent military aircraft. They also urgently transferred not only their own nationals but also foreign diplomats and civilians including Japanese people. Many foreign governments promised that local staff of the embassy and their families could be safely escaped. However, the Taliban invaded into Kabul so swift that most of the staff and their family were left behind.


Turkey and Qatar showed a strong presence in the turmoil. Turkey was part of the NATO army in maintaining security in Afghanistan. They agreed to continue the operation of Kabul Airport at the request of NATO allies[3]. Turkey is the only one Islamic State in NATO. They can communicate with the Islamist Taliban. The United States also urged Qatar to maintain commercial flights between Kabul and Doha[4]. If Qatar Airways continues its flight, it will be possible to secure an escape route for foreigners left in Afghanistan or Afghan people who wish to leave the country. (Though it is a question whether the Taliban government allows their citizens to leave the country or not.).


The Taliban also requested both countries to retain Turkish troops for airport operation and continue Qatar Airways in service[5]. The Taliban intend to make Afghanistan open to foreign countries rather than leaving it completely isolated. They regretted that the first Taliban administration having Islamic extremism from 1996 to 2001 resulted in the isolation of Afghanistan from the world. Qatar, Turkey and the Taliban (Afghanistan) formed a diplomatic triangle.


The relationship between Qatar and Turkey has been deepened since 2017 when Saudi Arabia, Egypt, the UAE and Bahrain severed the diplomatic ties with Qatar. They blamed that Qatar maintained diplomatic relations with Iran and supported the Muslim Brotherhood. Four countries have designated the Muslim Brotherhood as terrorist organizations. Then Qatar depended on Turkey. Qatar asked Turkey to increase the number of Turkish troops to tighten the security. Qatar also switched the importation of necessary foods and goods from GCC countries to Turkey. The relation enabled two countries to cooperate smoothly in the emergency of Afghanistan.


In addition, the United States has strong relationship with Turkey and Qatar respectively. Turkey is the ally of NATO with the United States. The United States relied on Turkey when all of Western troops withdrew from Afghanistan. In fact, Turkey is not always reliable for the United States taking into consideration that they introduced a missile system from Russia[6]. The United States got angry, but US had no alternatives.


 Regarding the relationship between the United States and Qatar, the US has Udeid Air Base in Qatar, the largest air force base in the Middle East. When US troops evacuated from Afghanistan, military aircrafts made a frequent round trip between Kabul International Airport and Udeid air base. The US air force base in Qatar is as important as the its naval base in Bahrain to watch Middle East.


Western countries closed the embassy in Kabul, and opened a temporary one in Doha. Japanese Embassy in Kabul has also moved from Kabul to Doha via Istanbul. Japanese Government also dispatched a high-ranking diplomat, former ambassador to Saudi Arabia, to Doha. Following the visit by US Secretary of State, German Foreign Minister and British Foreign Minister visited Qatar one after another. French President Emmanuel Macron met with Emir of Qatar at the Iraq Summit in August, 2021.


It is necessary to keep an eye on Qatar related to the future of Afghanistan.


By Areha Kazuya


[1] US, Taleban sign historic deal to withdraw troops

2020/2/29 Kuwait Times

[3] Turkey offers to guard, run Kabul airport after NATO withdrawal

2021/6/8 Daily Sabah

[4] US, Qatar and Turkey discuss operation of Kabul airport

2021/9/7 Arab News

[5] Qatari FM Al-Thani meets Taliban's Akhund in Afghan capital

2021/9/12 Daily Sabah

[6] Refer to ‘Countries sneaking in the political vacuum of the Middle East’

دبلوماسية المثلث القطري مع تركيا وطالبان (أفغانستان)


(English Version)

(Japanese Version)


(Translated from English version to Arabic by Google Translate)


Sep., 2021


في أفغانستان ، انسحبت الولايات المتحدة واستولت حركة طالبان الإسلامية الأصولية على السلطة. قررت الولايات المتحدة الانسحاب في مارس 2020 من قبل إدارة ترامب. افتتحت طالبان مكتبًا لها في الدوحة عاصمة قطر عام 2013. تفاوضت الولايات المتحدة مع طالبان من خلال مكتبها. خططت إدارة ترامب لانسحاب الولايات المتحدة سلمياً بحلول نهاية عام 2021 عندما ستشكل طالبان والحكومة الحالية إدارة انتقالية. أعلن الرئيس بايدن أن الموعد النهائي للانسحاب سيتم تقديمه بحلول نهاية أغسطس 2021. كان ذلك قبل أيام قليلة من الذكرى العشرين لأحداث 11 سبتمبر.


ومع ذلك ، هزمت طالبان القوات الحكومية بأغلبية ساحقة في وقت أبكر مما كان متوقعًا. قاموا بغزو العاصمة كابول قبل أن ينسحب الجيش الأمريكي بأمان. مع انهيار القوات الحكومية الأفغانية ، اضطرت الولايات المتحدة إلى تأمين مطار كابول الدولي بنفسها لتنفيذ الإخلاء في حالات الطوارئ. كما أرسلت دول غربية كبرى مثل بريطانيا وألمانيا طائرات عسكرية. كما قاموا بنقل ليس فقط رعاياهم بشكل عاجل ولكن أيضًا الدبلوماسيين الأجانب والمدنيين بمن فيهم اليابانيون. وعدت العديد من الحكومات الأجنبية الموظفين المحليين بالسفارة وعائلاتهم بالفرار بأمان. ومع ذلك ، غزت طالبان كابول بسرعة كبيرة لدرجة أن معظم الموظفين وعائلاتهم تركوا وراءهم


وأظهرت تركيا وقطر حضورا قويا في الاضطرابات. كانت تركيا جزءًا من جيش الناتو في الحفاظ على الأمن في أفغانستان. واتفقا على مواصلة تشغيل مطار كابول بناء على طلب حلفاء الناتو. تركيا هي الدولة الإسلامية الوحيدة في الناتو. يمكنهم التواصل مع حركة طالبان الإسلامية. كما حثت الولايات المتحدة قطر على مواصلة الرحلات الجوية التجارية بين كابول والدوحة. إذا واصلت الخطوط الجوية القطرية رحلتها ، فسيكون من الممكن تأمين طريق هروب للأجانب المتروكين في أفغانستان أو الأفغان الذين يرغبون في مغادرة البلاد. (على الرغم من أن السؤال هو ما إذا كانت حكومة طالبان تسمح لمواطنيها بمغادرة البلاد أم لا.)


كما طلبت طالبان من البلدين الاحتفاظ بقوات تركية لتشغيل المطار ومواصلة الخطوط الجوية القطرية في الخدمة. تنوي طالبان جعل أفغانستان منفتحة على الدول الأجنبية بدلاً من تركها معزولة تمامًا. وأعربوا عن أسفهم لأن إدارة طالبان الأولى التي شهدت تطرفًا إسلاميًا من عام 1996 إلى عام 2001 أدت إلى عزل أفغانستان عن العالم. شكلت قطر وتركيا وطالبان (أفغانستان) مثلثًا دبلوماسيًا


تعمقت العلاقة بين قطر وتركيا منذ عام 2017 عندما قطعت السعودية ومصر والإمارات والبحرين العلاقات الدبلوماسية مع قطر. وألقوا باللوم على قطر في إقامة علاقات دبلوماسية مع إيران ودعمها للإخوان المسلمين. صنفت أربع دول جماعة الإخوان المسلمين على أنها منظمات إرهابية. ثم اعتمدت قطر على تركيا. وطلبت قطر من تركيا زيادة عدد القوات التركية لتشديد الأمن. كما حولت قطر استيراد المواد الغذائية والسلع الضرورية من دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي إلى تركيا. مكنت العلاقة البلدين من التعاون السلس في حالة الطوارئ في أفغانستان


بالإضافة إلى ذلك ، تتمتع الولايات المتحدة بعلاقة قوية مع تركيا وقطر على التوالي. تركيا هي حليف الناتو مع الولايات المتحدة. اعتمدت الولايات المتحدة على تركيا عندما انسحبت جميع القوات الغربية من أفغانستان. في الواقع ، لا يمكن الاعتماد على تركيا دائمًا بالنسبة للولايات المتحدة مع الأخذ في الاعتبار أنها قدمت نظامًا صاروخيًا من روسيا. غضبت الولايات المتحدة ، لكن لم يكن أمامها بدائل


فيما يتعلق بالعلاقة بين الولايات المتحدة وقطر ، تمتلك الولايات المتحدة قاعدة عديد الجوية في قطر ، وهي أكبر قاعدة جوية في الشرق الأوسط. عندما تم إجلاء القوات الأمريكية من أفغانستان ، قامت الطائرات العسكرية برحلة متكررة ذهابًا وإيابًا بين مطار كابول الدولي وقاعدة أودي الجوية. قاعدة القوات الجوية الأمريكية في قطر لا تقل أهمية عن قاعدتها البحرية في البحرين لمراقبة الشرق الأوسط


أغلقت الدول الغربية سفارتها في كابول وفتحت سفارة مؤقتة في الدوحة. كما انتقلت السفارة اليابانية في كابول من كابول إلى الدوحة عبر اسطنبول. كما أوفدت الحكومة اليابانية دبلوماسياً رفيع المستوى ، سفيرًا سابقًا لدى المملكة العربية السعودية ، إلى الدوحة. وعقب الزيارة التي قامت بها وزيرة الخارجية الأمريكية ، قام وزير الخارجية الألماني ووزير الخارجية البريطاني بزيارة قطر الواحدة تلو الأخرى. التقى الرئيس الفرنسي إيمانويل ماكرون بأمير قطر في قمة العراق في أغسطس 2021


من الضروري مراقبة قطر فيما يتعلق بمستقبل أفغانستان



By Areha Kazuya



[1] US, Taleban sign historic deal to withdraw troops

2020/2/29 Kuwait Times

[3] Turkey offers to guard, run Kabul airport after NATO withdrawal

2021/6/8 Daily Sabah

[4] US, Qatar and Turkey discuss operation of Kabul airport

2021/9/7 Arab News

[5] Qatari FM Al-Thani meets Taliban's Akhund in Afghan capital

2021/9/12 Daily Sabah

[6]دول تتسلل في الفراغ السياسي للشرق األوسط

Sunday, September 26, 2021

Latest News in the Middle East (Sep. 27, 2021)

 Turkey deploys troops to Syria's Idlib for potential ground op.

UAE announces ministerial changes including finance, environment

Taliban ask airlines to resume international flights to Afghanistan

Bahrain to double VAT to 10%: Reports

Oman Air seeks oneworld alliance membership

Under US sanctions, Iran and Venezuela strike oil export deal — Reuters

Sunday, September 19, 2021


(Japanese Version)

(Arabic Version)

Sept., 2021


Beirut was not heaven but hell: In case of Carlos Ghosn


1.    Runaway to Heaven

It's been nearly two years since former Nissan CEO Carlos Ghosn fled to Beirut in December 2019. The technique of his escape was so vivid that it attracted the attention of the world.


Beirut was once a French colony and is called ‘Paris of the Middle East’ because of its scenic nature and swanky streets. Nowadays it is not as busy as it used to be due to the frequent civil wars. But Beirut is still a popular destination for European tourist.


Ghosn illegally departed from Kansai International Airport in Japan on a Turkish private jet. He arrived in Beirut via Istanbul on New Year's Eve in 2019. He entered into Lebanon with his official passport although his passport was taken by Japanese court. He reportedly entered the country with a French passport and Lebanese ID.


Ghosn was born in Brazil and brought up in Beirut. The Lebanese are good in business. They enjoyed reputation as Phoenician merchants, and travelled all over the world. Ghosn's grandfather also migrated to Brazil, where Ghosn was born. After graduating from a French university, he joined Michelin, French tire manufacturing company. He made his figure at its Brazilian factory. In 1966, Renault, French car manufacturer, headhunted him as senior vice president. These experiences gave him three nationalities and passports of Lebanon, Brazil and France.


The reason why he decided Beirut as his destination was not only that Lebanon was his native country but also there was no extradition treaty between Lebanon and Japan. France and Brazil have such treaties with Japan. In addition, it would be worthy to point out that Ghosn enjoyed the reputation of young Lebanese as the world business tycoon.


He and his wife moved to a tightly guarded residence in Beirut. The residence was originally lent to him by Nissan during his tenure as CEO. The company had requested him to evacuate from the residence as series of his fraudulent activities. However, the judiciary of Japan could not reach the property in Lebanon.


Powerful Ghosn met with President Michel Aoun just after he returned to Lebanon. It is said that the President gave him a warm word (however, the President Office has denied the fact of his visit)[1]. He then claimed his innocence and justify his runaway. He complained about how inhumane his treatment was in Japan under harsh interrogation by Japanese prosecutors and the inability to meet his wife. It is reported by overseas media that the treatment of suspects in Japan is too harsh. He took advantage of it and appealed to the Lebanese people. After that he started new business. He announced that an executive training course would be introduced to revive the deteriorating Lebanese economy[2].


2.    But Beirut was a hell on earth ----

However, the cloud overshadowed Ghosn gradually. Turkish pilots of a private jet who sent him from Japan to Beirut was brought to court for trial in Turkey[3]. In addition, an American ex-soldier of Green Beret member and his son who supported Ghosn’s escape was handed over from the United States to Japan. They are now in trial. The French government has also sent an interrogator to Beirut on suspicion of misappropriating company’s money for his wedding at the Palace of Versailles[4].


In addition to Ghosn's own problems, Lebanon had big problems. Political dysfunction and the COVID-19 fell the country into a serious economic crisis. Traditionally Lebanon is a complex mosaic nation where Christianity, Islamic Sunnis and Shiites oppose each other. At the time of independence, an agreement was signed to share the power by three parties to avoid the conflict. The president, the Prime Minister and the speaker of Parliament are assigned to Christianity (Maronite), Islamic Sunni sect and Shiite sect respectively. However, as a result, each sect had monopolized interests of each post. Nepotism and corruption were prevailing. Politics was always in confusion. Hezbollah, Islamic extremist supported by Iran, gained power. Hezbollah continued battle with Israel. When the domestic economy was healthy, they were in delicate balance.


But economic balance in Lebanon was corrupted at the beginning of last year by COVID-19. Two pillars of the Lebanese economy – tourism and remittances by overseas migrant workers – were hit seriously. Furthermore, explosion by the ammonium nitrate took place in the warehouse at Beirut Port in August last year. It was an unprecedented tragedy with more than 200 dead, thousands of injured, and the collapse of numerous buildings and houses. They believed that the accident was caused by political inaction.


Then Prime Minister Hassan Diab resigned after the accident. Two candidates for new prime minister nominated by the president failed to form a cabinet one by one due to not only power struggle within political parties but also the intervention by the President. After fruitless effort of a year, new cabinet was finally formed in September 2021[5]. However, as shown in the past history, it is doubtful whether new Prime Minister can improve the political and economic instability. Lebanon is now called ‘Venezuela of the Mediterranean’[6]. Lebanese economy is getting worse due to political dysfunction and COVID-19. People laments hyperinflation. Due to a shortage of dollars, government cannot procure the fuel for power generation. It is common that power cut in Beirut is 22 hours a day[7]. The unemployment rate is rising day by day. Many young Lebanese left the country[8].


How Carlos Ghosn tackles these problems? Needless to say, he lives in a villas tightly guarded. He has a lot of money. He might not anxious about power shortage because he must have his own power generator in his house. But he is unable to go to restaurant or shops in the downtown. His plan to resume his business was missed so far.


Ghosn had to convince that he has returned to heaven in Beirut from hell in Japan. However, ironically, the days of hell have returned to him. He may want to flee abroad again. But when he goes to France or Brazil, he will face the request for extradition by the Japanese government. If he wants comeback in international arena there will be no choice to stay Lebanon or to emigrate other countries. In latter case, Ghosn might offer his money to a dictator of any country as deposit for his safety. However, if the dictator steps down, it will no longer be a safe haven. Now he may be frustrated at his villas in Beirut, remembering his glorious old days.



By Areha Kazuya


[1] Ghosn met Lebanese president after fleeing Japan: sources

20201/1 The Peninsula

[2] Make yourself invaluable’: Carlos Ghosn offers executive training in troubled Lebanon

2020/9/29 Arab News

[3] Turkey sentences three to jail over Ghosn escape

2021/2/24 Kuwait Times

[4] French judges question fugitive former Nissan exec Carlos Ghosn in Beirut

2021/5/31 Arab News

[5] Lebanon forms government after 13 months

2021/9/10 Arab News

[6] Report: Lebanon could turn into ‘Venezuela of the Mediterranean’

2021/7/21 Arab News

[7] Egypt agrees to send gas to Lebanon amid crippling energy blackouts

2021/9/8 Arab News

[8] Lebanon exodus reaching tipping point as crisis accelerates

2021/8/31 Arab News

(SF novel) East of Nakba (55)

  (Japanese Version)   Part I. Israel bombs a nuclear plant in Iran (52)   Chapter 19 Wandering three little birds (1) In case of ‘E...